24 Code Apps

香港Pokemon通信器 1.3
24 Code
查看香港精靈出現位置,可以同付近玩家交換信息。共同協作 Crowdsourcing本平台的獨特之為意向發展一個公眾合作平台,有你們的支持才可令到平台成功運作。實時 Real time所有信息為即時通信,暫時沒有Database在背後,目前正考慮增設 Redis DB 作為紀錄及查詢用途See Hong Kongspriteoccurrence can pay nearly the same players to exchangeinformation.Collaborate CrowdsourcingThis unique platform is the intention to develop a publicplatformfor cooperation, your support in order to make to thesuccessfuloperation of the platform.Real Time Real timeAll information is instant communication, there is no Databaseinthe back, and is considering adding Redis DB for recordpurposesand inquiries